Category: Activities
Visited GISDA in Bangkok
Meeting with GISDA’s Team and sharing research information to promote cooperation in the future projects
Set up Rynan sensors and Farmo sensors at the rice paddy field in Thailand
Installed 2 AWD Rynan sensor alternative wet and dry water level and Farmo sensors at the rice paddy field in Royal Irrigation Agriculture Experiment Station 5 (Mae Klong Yai) in Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand
Visited Royal Irrigation Agriculture Experiment Station 5 (Mae Klong Yai)
Meeting with RID’s Team and set up Rynan sensors& Farmo sensors at the rice paddy field in Royal Irrigation Agriculture Experiment Station 5 (Mae Klong Yai) Thailand.
RNUS Seminar series 1/2024 on 8th March 2024
RNUS SEMINAR SERIES 1/2024 jointly organized by RNUS (SET) and The University of Tokyo (OHOW-IIS). Seminar Topics: 1) Prof.Takeuchi Wataru From IIS, The University of Tokyo Topic 1: Introduction to RNUS office; ongoing projects and future works 2) Dr. Khin Myat Kyaw Adjunct faculty in AIT from IIS, The University of Tokyo TOPIC2: Structural Health Monitoring with remote sensing techniques
Seminar on “Forefront and Challenging Geospatial Technologies for Environment and Disaster Management in Southeast Asia”. Date: Afternoon of Saturday, 27th November, 2010 Time: 13:00 ~ 17:00 Venue: Phatumwan Princess Hotel, Bangkok Room: Jamjuree (Ballroom A)
Seminar on “3rd International Joint Student Seminar on Civil Infrastructures” Date : July 29-30, 2010 Information : Cordially invite you to attend Seminar on “3rd International Joint Student Seminar Civil Infrastructures”. It is scheduled on 29-30 July 2010 at 08.00-17.00 in room B202 (AIT Center) at Asian Institute of Technology. Abstract With the success of the previous two international…