Seminar on “Advanced Technology for Urban Safety – Against Disasters and Hazardous Environment”
Date : Oct 20, 2005
Information : On 20th October 2005, RNUS organized another RNUS seminar on “Advanced Technology for Urban Safety ~ Against Disaster and Hazardous Environment”. Four professors from the University of Tokyo were invited to give the presentation. The presenters were Prof. Taketo Uomoto, Prof. Reiko Amano, Prof. Kimiro Meguro, and Associate Prof. Ryozo Ooka. The content of this seminar covers technologies applicable to prevent various types of disaster and to evaluate hazardous environmental condition. There were approximately 80 audiences in this seminar. Not only staffs and students of AIT but those from other institutes and engineers from construction companies also joined this event.
Prof.Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai gave a present to Prof.Uomoto after his presentation

A snapshot from RNUS seminar on 20th October 2005