
Seminar on “Modeling of Concrete Properties and Non-linear Structural Analysis”

Date : Nov 13th, 2006 

Information : On 13th November 2006, RNUS organized the RNUS seminar on “Modeling of Concrete Properties and Nonlinear Structural Analysis”. Presentations were given by Associate Professor Toshiharu Kishi and Dr. Yasushi Tanaka. The seminar starts with the presentation titled “Microscpic Approach to the Governing Mechanism of Concrete Properties Fluidity, Heat Generation, Strength, Water Movement, and Microstructure”. In the presentation, Associate Professor Toshiharu Kishi, faculty of the university of Tokyo, discussed about the different mechanisms of concrete as well as the relationship among them and subsequently the modeling of concrete behaviors was explained. The other presentation titled “Constitutive Model for Non-linear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structure” was given by Dr.Yasushi Tanaka, Research Associate from Nagaoka University of Technology. In the presentation, fundamentals and techniques for a simulation of structural response of RC structure.


Dr.Yoshitaka Kato gave the momerial gift to Dr.Toshiharu Kishi


Group Photo of presenters and students and staffs of STE